Date:November 08, 2018

“Opportunity Funds” and the Annual Holiday Social

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

“Opportunity Funds” with guest speaker Marious Sjulsen of EquityMultiple and the annual Holiday Social

15 Harbor Point Rd, Stamford
5:00 – 8:00PM

Click HERE to register online
Click HERE to download the registration form

Marious leads the real estate team at EQUITYMULTIPLE and is responsible for underwriting, sourcing and executing transactions posted on the platform.  Marious also sits on EQUITYMULTIPLE’s investment committee and board of directors.  He joined EQUITYMULTIPLE from a New York development firm where he was in charge of building out their commercial real estate platform.  Prior to that, he worked at Brickman for eight years, a national private equity firm where he was a Vice President in charge of acquisition for the east coast.  He started his career at LaSalle Bank and then moved to Lehman Brothers to be part of the finance team for their real estate private equity group.

$55 Members          $75 Non-members

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