Thursday, January 24, 2013
NAIOP CT & Suburban NY announces: Newly launched C-PACE Program for CT
UCONN, Stamford Campus Multi-Purpose Room, 1st Floor
Join your NAIOP colleagues on January 24th to hear about the new C-PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) program that was passed in 2012. This program is a state-wide program administered by the Clean Energy Finance Investment Authority (CEFIA) and allows building owners access to low-cost financing from private sources for building upgrades that are permanently affixed to the property which either reduce energy consumption, or creates energy from renewable sources.
Our speakers for this program will be Jessica Bailey, Director of C-PACE who will review outline the details about this new program and Wayne Seaton from Wells Fargo, who will discuss Wells Fargo’s interest in C-PACE.
Mark your calendar now and watch for more information on this informative program!
Either click the Registration button below or fill out the attached PDF, returning it to NAIOP CT & Suburban NY via fax: (860) 286-0787 or mail: NAIOP,P.O. Box 30,Bloomfield,CT06002
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